Wednesday 25 September 2013

Your voice is important.

I get  the fact  that  some  people  through  no fault  of their own  cannot speak  out for themselves.  In  fact I am  one such person who finds communicating  verbally  very difficult.  I also  get  the fact  that to some disabled  people  it is easier to let others speak on their  behalf.

The  problem  I   have is that those who for whatever reason cannot  speak for themselves, also    have  no means  to empower themsleves..   And  those who speak on behalf of us in whatever form whether it be  by writing  blogs, diaries  or attending conferences ,  can only  ever speak in general terms of  how welfare reforms or our disabilites affect  us.

I do not  presume to speak for everyone else as I do not  know  the ins and out  of every disability or illness or  how it affects someone.   . It does seem however  that  well  meaning people  have  taken it  upon themselevs to   speak  up  on behalf  of me and  people  like me  under  the umbrella  that one glove fits all....   It  clearly doesn't and  in  my opinion, all the different  groups and spokespeople  who  have spoken out about the welfare reforms  and its effects, however well  intentioned   have in fact made things worse.

This  government  clearly  has an agenda and  that agenda  is to save money  or  profit from  those of  us with severe disabillties or illnesses. .  It  has shown  time and time again its contempt   for  those   of us who  campaign and  the  louder we  shout   the  harder our words fall on deaf ears.
I  realise  that what I am saying is   highly contentious   but  I feel  compelled to speak out.   Stop   trying to compound an already difficult  situation  by  speaking  on my  behalf without consulting  me first      

If I want my voice to be heard  I will  arrange and ask for it..   I  urge  other  disabled  people to do  the same.   Empower  yourselves  by    making your own  voices  heard .   Stop relying  on others to do it for  you. I speak from experience  when I say  where  there is a will,  there is always a way.

(Thank  you to those  people   who  I have asked to speak  on my behalf..   You  have shown  me  the greatest respect  by  repeating my opinions and thoughts without adding  your own  .)